Motril is a town and municipality on the Mediterranean coast in Granada, Spain. It is the second largest town in the province, with a population of 60,368 as of 2016. The town is located near the Guadalfeo River and is 69 km from Granada.

It was a calm motor along the coast. Got to work on our tans on the upper deck.

Janine trying out her new gear she ordered back in Canada. If you look closely you see that the hooks still have the protective covers for the safety while shipping. We didn't notice it she hauled in her gear at the end of our passage. No fish for supper tonight, again.

Later in the day the conditions were perfect for us to rig and try out our new Wingaker

Picture taken by Jon sailing on Let Go Let's Go.

Our new front yard view. Sundown

So we all head to Captain Morgan's restaurant which was located in the boatyard a few meters from our dock.

Jay and Kai joining in the relaxing evening affairs with the grown-ups.

So nice to be in ports in the spring time with all the flowering trees in bloom.

Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Head (Church).

Lunch time.

Heading back to 45NORTH to set sail for Cartagena Spain. Thank you for following our adventures Sailing 45North.
Love all the updates !⛵️⚓️🎆