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Sailing 45NORTH from Malta to Greece - May 1 to 7, 2024


Updated: Oct 14, 2024

After waiting out a storm for an extra two days in Malta we departed mid-day on May 1st to make our trek North to Saracusa, Sicily. The seas were still unsettled from the storm so we did run into a few rough patches. We arrived at 230am to the same anchorage we had visited last fall so we had a good idea of where the best anchoring spots were.

We visited the busy market and enjoyed a tasty mix of meats, cheese and cannoli.

The King and Queen flower pots with the legendary story about the Queen cutting off the King's head and planting flowers in it when she found out he had cheated on her. Or was it the other way around?

Saracusa port

The next day was another overnighter passage on our way to Roccella on mainland Italy.

Sunset and Mount Etna. There wasn't any volcanic action this night.

Safely docked in Roccella Italy.

The new Starlink works well except when we are more than 20nm offshore.

An early 0730 departure from Crotone Italy for our 140 nautical mile journey across the Ionion Sea to Corfu Greece. Weather forecast was perfect with 10-15kts of wind, following seas (finally) and a beam reach the entire way. The winds did drop off around 0200 so we motored the rest of the way.

Sunrise over Greece. We arrived and dropped anchor at 0830 May 7. In one week we have sailed 70 hours travelling 375 nautical miles. Time to slow down and enjoy.

Our first anchorage with the idyllic wisps of cloud through the mountain range.

Our second anchorage in Old Town Corfu overlooking the fortress. We are all checked in with our registration and Greek cruising permit (eTEPAI). We used an agent to simplify the multi step process and avoid the visits to Port Police, Immigration, Customs and back to the Port Police to finalize the documentation package.



Andrew in Paris.jpg

I have been sailing since 1979 and love the sport.  Janine and I met in 2009 and have been sailing together ever since.  

I've raced in the Newport RI to Bermuda 2008,2010,2014

Marblehead to Halifax Ocean Race 2007, 2009, 2013 

Halifax to St. Pierre et Miquelon 2012

Volvo Pro-Am on Ericsson III (Boston) 2009


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Janine Stirling

Don't tell Andrew but I was the mastermind behind buying a new catamaran, in particular the Elba45, and sailing the world.  

I love to travel, cook, ski, sail and world adventure.   

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